Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4th 2010

It is now5.30 in the morning...
I woke up at 2.30... didn't read's 2.30 in the morning...
I just couldn't sleep some how...
tried and tried and tried...but somehow i just couldn't...
so I just lied in my bed until 4 am...
then took a shower...
ironed and re-ironed my uniform...
lied down again...
got up...
drank yogurt...
and read through blogs...
I think I'll be sleeping in school on the very first day...><
There goes my resolution...
Lets all pray I stay awake^^...
now 5.32...
Still thinking if I should bring my roxy bag and use it as a book bag...
I gotta cut my fingernails!!...
almost forgot...><
well will blog again after school!!...^^


1st day of school...I hope it turns out great...^^
Pray for a Hot New Guy in Form 5 Jati class!!!...xD

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